Bruce Clay - Internet Marketing Superconference 6

Friday, March 6, 2009

Buy this DVD for How To Get Into The TOP 10 Positions On Google, Yahoo & MSN Using These powerful Search Engine Optimization Tips, Tricks And Techniques From The Man Who The SEO Experts Go To For Help And Advice.
Who is the person that Search Engine Experts go to in order to learn the latest new optimization techniques? Bruce Clay.

Search Engine Optimization has never been more important for creating a successful web business and it’s now harder than ever to get it right. There is a lot of conflicting information about search engine optimization. If you want to know how to do it right and get top ranking, do a search on Google for Search Engine Optimization and Bruce will always be in the top three positions. He has been for the last ten years!
This guy KNOWS what works and he keeps up to date on it. In fact, he’s got an entire staff of people who do nothing more than track and test Google’s ranking machine.
This is a 5 HOUR 3 x DISC SET!!!