About Omega-3 and Massage Therapy

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Massage LMT’s are making break through in natural health ….healing through massage and therapy happens to be the major focus…these days with better eating habits and dieting along with a health regimen of efa and omega-3 supplements…people are seeing far better results and using the correct fish oil has made life even better along with massage as a therapy fish oil is the optimal health food supplement of the decade.

Fish has the efa’s to help burn fat at higher levels thus but back the epa and dpa into the body,” fish oil from a high dose ultra refined source is higher recommended by practitioners and medical doctors all over the world.

Massage clinics are promoting omega-3 supplements as a remedy to help muscle and the heart work synergistic for optimal health and normal daily living. For athletes sports massage is a given therapy along with it recommended is efa omegea-3 supplementation,” fish oil ultimately puts back all th lost essential fatty acids and epa dha ,” this is a remarkable break through in medical science.

more info can be found at ThePurestFishoil.com